Booking redirects

Find out how to manage the booking flow.

When creating an OAuth client you can specify:

  1. booking URL to manage where people land after booking after one of your users.
  2. reschedule URL to your page for rescheduling a booking.
  3. cancel URL to your page for cancelling a booking.

This guide will explain each of the URLs and how to create page for each of them using atoms and our hooks.

Booking URL

After a person books one of your users, that person should see the successful booking.

Page in the booking URL will take URL parameter provided by us and then hook to fetch the booking and then display it. Here is an example:

  1. Pass as the redirectURI.
  2. In your app, create[bookingUid] page where bookingUid will become path parameter.
  3. When a booking occurs, booker will be re-directed to the redirectURI with booking UID as the bookingUid parameter aka[bookingUid].
  4. In the[bookingUid] route create a page that imports useGetBooking hook, then extract bookingUid from URL parameter, and uses the hook to display booking information:
import { useGetBooking } from "@calcom/atoms";

export default function Bookings(props: { calUsername: string; calEmail: string }) {
    const router = useRouter();
    const { isLoading, data: booking, refetch } = useGetBooking((router.query.bookingUid as string) ?? "");

    return (

An example implementation can be found here.

Reschedule URL

  1. Pass as the redirectURI.
  2. When “Reschedule” is clicked, user will be re-directed to the redirectURI with rescheduled and eventTypeSlug query parameters
  3. In the route create a page that extracts rescheduleUid and eventTypeSlug from the query parameters and passes the to the Booker atom:
const rescheduleUid = (router.query.rescheduleUid as string) ?? "";
const eventTypeSlugQueryParam = (router.query.eventTypeSlug as string) ?? "";


You only need rescheduleUid, eventSlug and username.

An example implementation can be found here.

Cancel URL

  1. Pass as the cancelURI.
  2. In your app, create[bookingUid] page where bookingUid will become path parameter.
  3. In the page of[bookingUid] import useCancelBooking from atoms and get access to the cancel mutation import { useCancelBooking } from "@calcom/atoms";
const { mutate: cancelBooking } = useCancelBooking({
    onSuccess: () => {
  1. Create a cancel button that invokes mutation returned by the “useCancelBooking”. You have to pass id of the booking which you can get by fetching booking using "useGetBooking" hook by uid from the query params. Provide a suitable “cancellationReason”.
import { useGetBooking, useCancelBooking } from "@calcom/atoms";

const { isLoading, data: booking, refetch } = useGetBooking((router.query.bookingUid as string) ?? "");
const { mutate: cancelBooking } = useCancelBooking({
    onSuccess: () => {

    onClick={() => {
            cancellationReason: "User request",

An example implementation can be found here.

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