Wednesday, February 28, 2024 · 4 min read

Ten ways teams can use’s managed event feature

Assantewa Heubi
Assantewa HeubiWriter
Ten ways teams can use’s managed event feature

Calendar scheduling infrastructure that works with you

In today's digital era, efficient and reliable scheduling tools have become an essential part of business. A notable player in this realm is, an open-source calendar scheduling infrastructure product that’s been built with inclusivity in mind. This means that works for the scheduling needs of individuals as well as large enterprises. If you don’t feel like using our open-source software to host your own instance of our product, you can choose from one of the following three options.

  • Individual Plan: A free plan which allows for unlimited calendar connections, recurring bookable events, and access to the app store for added features like Stripe payment integration.

  • Team Plan: Ideal for businesses of all sizes, this plan facilitates round-robin scheduling amongst team members.

  • Enterprise Plan: For larger entities needing to adhere to standards like HIPAA, GDPR, and SOC2 compliance.

When transitioning from personal use to larger business models, smoothly scales with your needs. Our team plan lets you remove branding and provides you with access to special booking types like collective and managed events.

Delving into Managed Events

Managed Events empower team administrators by providing them with finely tuned control over specific event parameters. This makes it easy to ensure each event aligns with organizational protocols. This facilitates standardized procedures, whether it be for employee mentoring, maintaining consistent customer service responses, or effective client retention practices.

10 Managed Event Types Beneficial for Businesses:

1. Employee Onboarding

When a tech firm hires new software developers, a managed event for onboarding ensures each of them undergoes the same training modules, team introductions, and HR briefings without discrepancies. This streamlining is akin to building a house; every brick (employee) is laid using the same foundation (onboarding process) to ensure structural integrity. No more manually curating individual schedules; everything is as simple as setting a recurring meeting in one’s calendar.

2. Training Sessions

Imagine a retail company rolling out a new point-of-sale system. By using a managed event for training, each branch across the country learns the system uniformly. This coordinated approach is reminiscent of a synchronized swimming routine where every move is in harmony. With a pre-set agenda, trainers can efficiently convey knowledge, ensuring every team member is on the same page.

3. Client Consultations

A law firm prioritizing professionalism ensures every client consultation begins with a clear understanding of client rights, followed by a structured case discussion. This consistency is similar to dining at a franchise restaurant; regardless of the location, the menu (consultation format) remains predictable. Such uniformity eliminates the need for lawyers to draft individual plans for each meeting.

4. Monthly Reviews

By using managed events for monthly reviews, a marketing agency can ensure productive discussions on targets, achievements, and areas of improvement. Think of these reviews as periodic health check-ups: regular, structured assessments ensure the team remains in optimal condition. Employees come prepared, knowing the focus points, leading to more effective conversations.

5. Product Demos

When a software-as-a-service company introduces a new feature, they ensure every demonstration covers the feature's benefits, use cases, and pricing. This approach is like a guided museum tour. Everyone sees the highlights, understands their significance, and leaves with the same comprehensive knowledge. Sales teams can confidently present, knowing they have covered all essential details.

6. Customer Service Inquiries

An e-commerce platform, by using managed events for handling return requests, ensures every customer receives the same information and solutions consistently. It's as efficient as a helpline script; irrespective of whom the customer speaks to, the assistance provided is consistent. Such uniform solutions enhance brand reliability and customer satisfaction.

7. Team Meetings

A project team in a multinational, through weekly managed event sync-ups, ensures structured discussions on progress, roadblocks, and upcoming tasks. Picture this approach as a musical symphony, where every instrument (team member) knows its part, resulting in a harmonious outcome. Team members come to meetings prepared, reducing time wastage and boosting productivity.

8. Sales Pitches

A real estate company looking to attract investors ensures each pitch presentation covers property details, ROI, and future plans. Crafting pitches with managed events is akin to baking with a tried-and-true recipe: every outcome (presentation) is predictably effective. This structure ensures salespeople deliver a uniform brand message, enhancing professionalism.

9. Quarterly Assessments

For a financial firm reviewing its quarterly achievements, managed events ensure all stakeholders receive a comprehensive overview of earnings, market position, and strategies. This organized approach is similar to a book club discussion. Everyone's familiar with the same data, and the structured conversation ensures all pivotal points are discussed, fostering transparency and growth.

10. Stakeholder Engagement

Startups seeking additional funding can make the best impression by using managed events for stakeholder engagements. Each meeting that covers business growth, financials, and future plans feels like a well-rehearsed theater play. Every segment is predefined, ensuring the audience (stakeholders) experiences a cohesive and engaging story.


Managed Events are a standout feature on, designed for organizations that prioritize stringent oversight and uniformity across events.

Centralized Control: Admins manage specific event types for their members.

Management: Recognizable locked fields, indicated by a "lock" icon, ensure clarity and compliance.

Assignment Process: Managed events function as templates for team members, streamlining uniformity.

By offering businesses a tool that emphasizes both uniformity and flexibility, cements its position as an essential product in the world of scheduling infrastructure. is now FREE for individuals - sign up here

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